Dr K is starting to put a few extra pre-made herbal formulas and supplements on the medicinary shelf in the lobby. Anything on that shelf, she considers generally good and safe for most folks and can be purchased from her – by patients only – even if it isn’t on Read on…
Price Increases
Turns out Dr. Mudry has been a bit behind on maintaining recommended prices of visit fees for Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) in BC. These provincial fee recommendations are made based on years of experience as well as cost of maintaining liscensure as an ND (which increases slightly every year). Following these Read on…
Clinic return and Winter 2023
Happy new year! We have had a great end to 2022, welcoming in our daughter Daria, getting used to our new family flow and doing lots of x-country skiing 🙂 We are excited for re-opening part time clinic hours at the end of January! Winter 2023 Clinic Info* Appointments for Read on…
Mat Leave Info for Current Patients
Dr. K’s clinics will be closed for visits during her maternity leave from Sept 29, 2022 – approx Jan 23, 2023. Follow ups through the fall/winter will be covered by Dr. Jill Kazuk, ND (see below for details). Please email us for any refills of current medications. We will be Read on…
Bottle/Vial Recycling
Sustainability is super important to the Dr. K team and that is why we sanitize and reuse all the tincture bottles and homeopathic vials. You can bring your used glass bottles to your follow up appointments or leave them in the clinic mailboxes any time. Custom blended tinctures usually contain Read on…
Naturopathic Medicine Scope and Licensing
So this week is naturopathic medicine week in the US, and I’m joining in even though I’m a Canadian ND (naturopathic doctor). I went to naturopathic medical school in the states and loved my school and my time down there. I was there before, Â during and after the affordable care Read on…
SIBO – is it the cause of your bloating (and so much more)?
SIBO stands for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, and is one of the most common causes of digestive upset that I see in my practice. SIBO Symptoms include 1,2 : Bloating and abdominal discomfort (often to extreme degrees and after most meals) Gas – flatulence and burping Constipation or loose Read on…
Compassionate and Trauma informed Paps
Papanicolaou (Pap) tests or smears are an important part of cervical health. I am happy to be offering these in my naturopathic clinic for everyone who needs them. Current BC guidelines for Paps are: Start getting them at age 25 for anyone with a cervix Repeat every 3 years is Read on…
Greater Goals of Dr. K
I’m writing this during a time when a lot of businesses are closed for public health measures, so I’d like to start by saying how grateful I am to be still working right now. I am proud that my business, my clinic, my services as a physician, are deemed essential Read on…
Immune and Digestion Connection
Digestion has always been a huge focus in naturopathic medicine. Naturopathic Doctors have always seen the digestive system as one of the most foundational pieces of health. The old saying “Let Food Be Thy Medicine” is fundamental to natural health, and works only as good as your digestive organs do! Read on…